Flying without wings

In July last year I photographed Douglas Carnival for the first time.  I unofficially became a photographer for the wonderful Isle of Man Hospice for the day and they kindly gave me a yellow bib that gave me free access around the event.   The carnival floats and troupes were all full of energy and everyone was happy and enjoying the day.  Colour me rainbow was also going on so I had to be careful not to get the paint on my camera and lens.  Amongst all the mayhem I saw a large dance group in the distance carrying one of their troupe and I sensed something was about to happen.  I zoomed in and waited for just a moment or two and then the troupe threw the young lady high in to the air.  She was flying!!   Clearly the troupe had been daubed in paint as they were all multi coloured.    The dancers were all from the Unity Dance Group in Douglas.

At the time I had absolutely no idea who this high flyer was but in the days that followed I learnt that the young lady was Abby and her Mum & Dad were actually people I knew.

Today Abby received the picture from me and here she is.   We live on a small and friendly island and I love the fact that I took a picture of Abby,  not knowing who she was, but this young high flyer now has a permanent record of her flight.


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